Shenzhen Guanyuan Luggage and Leather Products Factory specializes in the production of luggage and leather products (computer bags, backpacks, computer backpacks, waist bags, trolley bags, trolley computer backpacks, leather briefcases, card holders, wallets, wallets, etc.) with a professional development team. Tailor-made for you, Shenzhen Guanyuan Luggage and Leather Products Factory specializes in the production of luggage and leather goods (computer bags, backpacks, computer backpacks, waist bags, trolley bags, trolley computer backpacks, leather briefcases, card holders, wallets, wallets, etc.) with professional We have a development team to tailor-make products for you. We have a large number of employees and a factory area of square meters. The company's main business model is trolley cases (cloth cases/B/), production based on orders, development of new luggage and leather goods, and customization of various products according to customer requirements
Product packaging and luggage design, product luggage production, product leather full packaging design
It takes one working day to make goods on the day of proofing
Shenzhen bag manufacturers